Cool ceiling facet thingy at Meneras Tower.

Me and Dad in the revolving restaurant (which was so cool) with the Petronas towers in the background.

The Petronas Towers by night!

Again, with some of the city around it.

Bird's eye view of sunset in Kuala Lumpur.

Look at some of the awesome food we had!

We were REALLY high up there...REALLY REALLY high!

The towers by day.

Some cows that crossed the road. Cows are sacred to Hindus, and so in Hindu areas they free-graze...right across the road. We were stuck in a little traffic jam for about 5 minutes while a whole heard meandered through.

This is a picture of the inside of one of the shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur. This mall is dedicated specifically to electronics, and Dad wanted me to take a picture for all of his techie friends.

I think he was getting rather fed up with my picture taking.

A beautiful male peacock at the bird sanctuary. The sanctuary is the world's largest free-flight bird sanctuary, and it was beautiful. Unfortunately, I only have a couple pictures of this place because my camera got too hot and died right as we started (just FYI, actual temp that day was 99 degrees, and with the humidity the heat index was something like 110, so I don't blame the poor camera).

This one's for Zack. Check out the water park right by our hotel. You would love it!

This is how dark it got in the middle of the day when a storm was headed in.
We've been having a good time here, but are missing American food and all of our friends and family! Stay tuned for an update. We are on the hunt for gifts for the family (which is becoming quite a challenge).
damn...it's like nerd-heaven...
glad you're having fun!!!!
What a great view you had from the resturaunt. Sounds like it is very hot there. Barely getting to 70 during the day here. The peacock was beautiful. The cows were a hoot. They actually bring traffic to a stop. I'm afraid around here, the cows would just be flying as people plowed right on through. Zack thought the water park was awesome.
Just wondering, how long did your dad spend in the "tech mall"?
WOW!! those are very good pictures!! I'm so jealous!! Those towers are really awesome!! Did you get a new lense? those are really clear and colorful! Anyways, looks like your having a blast!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!!
love megan
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