Sunday, April 12, 2009

Here's a view of the clouds over Taiwan. 

More pictures to come, I promise. However, the interwebs here are terribly slow, and trying to upload more than one picture at a time is just downright redonkulous. 


Anonymous said...

that is beautiful! jealous! so is tony from your psyhc class, he wants to know how you got out of the rest of the semester! The pictures were great, not as great as yours...taiwan is way more interesting than teenagers! good luck with the slow internet!
love megan

Becky said...

haha thanks! Tell Tony I totally sucked up to the teacher, but instead of the third test I have to write another paper. Epic win! I am so frustrated because I really want everyone to see my pictures!

Unknown said...

I am leaving a comment, now that I know that is supposed to do. I am really enjoying the pictures. Hope you can update soon. The food there sounds quite interesting. I'm sure that I would lose weight there. I'm jealous of the shopping that you get to do. That alone should hold you for the duration. Have you checked out the theme park yet? The aquarium sounded nice.

Wow, they really mean business about drugs there. Maybe they should try that here. I'll bet we would see a decrease in illegal drug use.

I hope that the rest of your trip is good. Think about me and take lots of pictures!
